estate lawyer adelaide

How To Avoid Estate Disputes

As Your Estate Lawyer I’m passionate about helping you avoid estate disputes, avoid avoidable problems, solve unavoidable problems and ultimately help your family stay friends after you die, by playing the game “What will life REALLY look like after you die – for you WHOLE family.” Sometimes that means having hard conversations with you about who you want to reward and who you’re trying to punish in your will. And sometimes it means helping you […]

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Strong Willed

Being Strong Willed In 5 Easy Steps

The world is full of people walking around feeling confident they’re winning at Adulting because they think they have a good will, when in actual fact they don’t.  Discover why being strong willed isn’t just about the piece of paper and how you can muscle up and make your will do the heavy lifting. “Good estate planning means making the business of living as easy as possible for the people you love when you’re no

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This Is Your Life

When to Update Your Will

A fellow much wiser than me one said “Nothing is contant except change”. Our lives have a funny habit of changing. Given your will is designed to protect the people and things you love right now, it’s important to update your will so it matches your life.  Imagine for a moment I ask you to write a book about your life right now. Not a retrospective, historical account dating 20, 30, 40 years back. Not

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Does Your Young Adult Need A Will

Estate Planning + Your Adult Children

What would your life look like if you couldn’t help your child or make decisions on their behalf when they really need you to?  Many parents are shocked to discover once their young person turns 18 they are legally no longer able to step in as a substitue decision maker if they became unwell or were in an accident, or act as the executor of their estate if they died. “A long time ago someone

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If you love someone. Let everyone know.

Brendan died of a massive heart attack in May 2021.  He was 51 years old.  He left behind adult children, an ex-wife and his partner of 4-years Cherie. This is Cherie’s story. “Just when I didn’t think I would find true love and a forever partner Brendan walked out the door towards me and I knew he was it.” Just two weeks before he died, Brendan woke me and asked me to call an ambulance.

If you love someone. Let everyone know. Read More »

Good will making

How To Write A Good Will

My estate plan is a constant work in progress. Which is what makes it good. My estate plan is a constant work in progress.  Not because I don’t have my s**t in a pile but because I don’t want to just leave a will.  I want to leave a good will. A good will plans for right now – not for some far distant, unknown future – but what life would look like if you

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