When it comes to nominating a friend as an executor most people have a whole raft of thoughts, feelings, and considerations the people who nominate a family memeber don't seem to have.
The biggest one is how to nominate a friend as an executor or substitute decision maker without being a burden.
Like "Don't be a burden." is a very important clause in the rules of friendship - but not so much when it comes to family!
Earlier this year I met a willmaker who had decided to pay a lot of money to a corporate executor to manage his estate after his death. Despite having a large circle of intelligent, kind, and entirely suitable friends, he didn’t want to be a burden.
In my experince most friends don’t think being asked to be the decision-maker at the time of your death is a burden - most people are actually very honoured you asked. What they’re burdened by is what you leave behind for them to work with.
I'm changing the rules to “Real friends are happy to rely on each other but don’t burden them by leaving a mess.”
Below are six easy ways to keep your friend as your executor AND remove anything that may seem burdensome.
The same can be said for making sure your family stay friends after you die.